Genset Controller Unit
CG2007 Model
CG2007 is a multi-processor controller for the automatic management of medium / high Power gensets; it is characterized by a very high calculation capacity and a large supply of interfaces, which make it able to meet a wide range of system requirements.
This device is operational with any battery voltage from 4V to 40V.
It is quipped with graphic display 5 ", dedicated buttons and LEDs to give a more intuitive operability.
The unit has a contextual HELP and wide field programmability, also via the Internet: User logo, messaging, languages are fully customizable.
Wireless programming by phone is possible via optional interface BLUETOOTH. Allows the ability to upgrade the operating system through the RS232 serial port.
The controller has 16 on / off inputs, 8 of which are freely programmable (active state, delay, effect, message) and 12 on / off outputs: 6 relay 10A on board (TLR and TLG with dry contacts), and 6 by transistors; 4 outputs are dedicated and 8 outputs are freely programmable on 16 functions.
CG2007 performs complete TRUE RMS analog measurements: power factor, power, energy, active / reactive on each phase, differential current. There are also 8 analog inputs (including 4 sensors with response curve modeling) and 2 analog outputs 0-10V.
The unit can display the waveforms of voltage and current, with harmonic analysis (FFT), for an immediate evaluation of the distortion on the sinusoidal voltage or current. It has great historical memory (1MB) for automatic recording of events, with time / date / measures. The device is accompanied by a large set of serial ports: RS232, RS485, CAN and includes provision for connections via ETHERNET, GSM, BLUETOOTH.
CG2007 implements the following communication protocols: Micropi, MODBUS, SAE J1939 (engine control unit), TCP / IP.
There are motor speed input from magnetic pickup or inductive sensor as well as frequency reading and mains-generator voltages.
Other significant features mentioning: ability to define groups of parameters and measures (pages FAVORITES) for a quick and easy access and expansion possibility using with additional synchronization modules (eg .: mains parallel and gensets parallel).
CG2007 is fully customizable in both graphical and functional way, even for small lots.
Typical Applications
Automatic Panels
Mains/Gensets Parallel Management
Cogeneration Systems
Author Micropi Elettronica Srl - All Rights reserved

Major Benefits
Wide field programmability also via INTERNET and Wireless (Bluetooth, GSM optional)
5” Graphic display, dedicated buttons and LEDs to a more intuitive operability, contextual HELP
Viewing of current and voltage waveform shapes, with harmonic analysis (FFT)
Great historical memory (1MB) for automatic recording of events, with time / date / measures
Ability to define groups of parameters and measures (pages FAVORITES) for a quick access
Complete TRUE RMS analog measurements: power factor, power, energy, active / reactive on each phase, differential current
Expansion capabilities with additional synchro modules (eg .: mains parallel and gensets parallel)
Main Features
Power supply 12V or 24V (autoswitch); operating range from 4V to 40V
16 on / off inputs 8 of which are freely programmable; 21 analog inputs
6 relay outputs (2 dry contacts - TLG, TLR) 10A, 6 transistors Open Collector; 4 dedicated outputs and 6 programmable
Motor speed input from magnetic pickup or inductive sensor
Frequency reading and mains-generator voltages
MOTOR PROTECTION: oil pressure, temperature, level, laps, belt, etc.
ALTERNATOR PROTECTION: overcurrent, short circuit, phase sequence
MAINS PROTECTION: Over-current, short circuit, phase sequence
Analog sensors readings and self-diagnosis
RS232 interface; Optional RS485, CAN BUS
Provision for connections via ETHERNET, GSM, BLUETOOTH
MESSAGES LANGUAGES: Italian, English, French, Spanish; Russian (Cyrillic) on request
Available in different versions / configurations, all with customizable graphics and features
Dimensions and protection degree: 3000x185x80 mm (LxHxD) IP65 (front) or IP54 on request (front)