Automotive, Automation & Research
Custom Solutions & Equipment for Automotive, Industrial Automation e Scientific Research

Micropi Elettronica always deals with the design and manufacture of custom electronic equipment and industrial automation systems.
The progressive Company growth has imposed increasingly tight selection of areas of interest, so that we can specialize, and achieve, with mass production, economies of scale necessary to remain competitive in an ever more competitive markets:
this is why our current catalog covers only the areas outlined in the section "products".
But Micropi design staff is composed of people who are passionate about electronics, and who like challenges; therefore Micropi Elettronica has not lost its natural vocation as center of research and development of electronic equipment, in partnership with the scientific realities or industry, mainly of local region based, specifically addressed to the Automotive Industry, or more generally to the Production Industry and Scientific Research.
In this section we present some of the various devices and systems, developed and produced for the most different application fields.
If You got a specific need that require the use of electronic technologies endowed with high reliability and You are looking for a partner who will support You with solutions that ensure to Your products/services the right economic and technological competitiveness on the market, just contact us:
a successful result always comes from the right synergies!

Author Micropi Elettronica Srl - All Rights reserved