Cathodic Protection
Impressed Current Cathodic Protection Power Supplies, Dataloggers, Current Interrupters, Dedicated Instruments & Accessories

HT Series
Automatic Power Supplies
Advanced Features

BN Series
Automatic Power Supplies
Standard Features

BF Series
Automatic Power Supplies
Photovoltaic Systems

DL12 Series
Dataloggers for measuring/data reporting

DL23 Series
Multichannel Dataloggers for AC/DC measuring

INC3 Series
Current Interrupters for ON-OFF Technique

EHT Special Series
High Currents Power Supplies
Microprocessor Controlled

AP Special Series
High Currents Power Supplies
Self-bearing cabinet

EPC Special Series
High Currents Power Supplies
Panel PC Controlled

The Micropi Cathodic Protection Equipment Division cooperates with the companies that install and sell cathodic protection systems for buried tanks, gas & water pipelines, heating distribution systems, metal structures, anticorrosion of steel in concrete, etc., both by providing standard electronic equipment to be installed in cathodic protection plants, or by designing new ones in order to simplify the engineer's job.
Micropi Elettronica was the first company in Italy (about 30 years ago) which proposed the PWM switch mode technology in the power supply units for Impressed Current Cathodic Protection technique; greeted with suspicion for some time (in the 90's seemed not plausible to obtain 1200W well regulated by a device that weighed only 7 kg!), the switcing control technology is now being appreciated and shared by almost everyone in the power electronics devices, also for heavy duty applications.
For over 25 years, Micropi has also introduced the microprocessor control, resulting in greater flexibility of use, and the possibility to incorporate evoluted functions such as data-logger and current interrupter (cycle switch) in his power supplies for cathodic protection systems, as well as the device's complete remote management.
Thanks to the long experience acquired, now our power supplies are among the most comprehensive, lightweight, accurate and reliable available on the market today.
These are some of the reasons why this type of equipment we produce for years not may be referred to simply as transformer rectifier for cathodic protection systems, as generically the power supply units are recognized in the oil & gas sector worldwide.
Our Data Loggers (smaller in size but endowed with alphanumeric display and control keys / programming) allow the installer to solve in a more simple and cheaper way the problems of monitoring and survey in any impressed current cathodic protection plant.
Our cathodic protection division offers three types of product:
Cathodic Protection Power Supplies, with a so wide range, that you can successfully deal with all the problems of active protection projects (standard BN Series & HT Series, special Series for High Current Systems (EHT, AP , EPC Series) including solar power supplies for Photovoltaic Cathodic Protection Systems (BF Series) for impressed current cathodic protection systems.
Data Loggers, including DL Series to monitor / record the P.D. (Potential Difference or Voltage Gradient) and current value at any protection system's point.
Dedicated Instruments & Accessories, including the specialized INC Series Current Interrupter (for the management of tests with the on/off technique) and other devices.

Accessories for Power Supplies
Additional Surge Protection for
HT / BN / BF Series Power Supplies

Accessories for Cathodic Systems:
Dedicated Equipment