Automatic Power Supply
for High Current
Cathodic Protection Systems
This line of power supplies was created with the aim of modernizing the technology used for the cathodic protection of structures that require protection currents up to 100A, introducing some solutions that have been developed in the last twenty years in the industrial sector: power section in high frequency FULL-BRIDGE/SOFT-SWITCHING technology (instead of the old SCR or saturable reactor technologies), microprocessor management with graphic display and digital meters, cooling in air instead of oil, protection against in/out overvoltages using varistors latest generation high energy.
EHT is cooled by forced air and does not use oil; it can work with ambient temperatures from -10°C to +45°C and requires installation in a street cabinet, that guarantees the IP degree requested by the client. The power supply is three-phase with a 5-pole plug.
This power supply can be set to work in 4 modes:
constant voltage: supplies the programmed voltage (adjustable in 0.1V steps);
constant current: d supplies the programmed current (adjustable in 0.1A steps);
constant PD: supplies the voltage necessary to stabilize the pipe-earth DDP at the programmed value (read via Cu-CuSO4 PROBE) and adjustable in 10mV steps;
constant PD with IBASE: stabilizes the PD, but the current never drops below the IBASE.

EHT Special Series Main Features
Compact size compared to the power managed, and easily transportable (only 21Kg).
High reliability, resisting the strong stresses of its operating environment with new high energy dischargers (22KA).
Easy and intuitive dialogue with the operator.
Extremely precise regulation, with a very clean output voltage.
High energy efficiency (90% at full power), for a low operating cost.
Manages alarms and statistical parameters.
Incorporates data logger and current interrupter for ON/OFF tests (optionals).
Can be completely remotely managed by wire using the MODBUS protocol or wireless by GSM network (optionals).
Wide range of serial ports: RS232, RS485, USB, BLUETOOTH, ETHERNET (optionals).
Analogue inputs/outputs and ON/OFF for the system (optional).
Front bushings for DDP, Vout, Iout measurements.
Efficiency: 90% - Dimensions: 54x31x36 cm
P/N Vout Iout
EHT100 50Vcc 100A
EHT50 50Vcc 50A
Author Micropi Elettronica Srl - All Rights reserved