TSOL1 is a small microprocessor device for solenoids and injectors test in the automotive industry.
It works with a12V external battery and is able to verify ON / OFF or PWM solenoids of all types, as well as the electromagnetic injectors for gasoline or diesel engines (but not the piezoelectric injectors).
Connecting a Hall sensor to the camshaft allows for phased adjustable injections.
It is self-protected against overload or short-circuit of the solenoid coil and the protections intervention is appropriately signalled.
The device provides following measures: ohmic resistance coil, battery voltage, current drawn by the component under test, engine rpm.
These are the main features:
Specialized machinery, but low cost
Power supply 10 - 15VDC, with reverse battery protection
Output Current: 0 to 8A
Measuring current resistance: 15mA
Adjusting DUTY PWM (+/- keys DUTY): from 1% to 100%, in steps of 1%
Adjusting frequency PWM (SHIFT + keys DUTY +/-): 20Hz to 1200Hz, in steps of 10 Hz
Adjusting DURATION INJ or HJP (+/- keys DUTY): from 2 ms to 8 ms, in steps of 1 ms
Adjusting TURNS INJ or HJP (SHIFT + keys DUTY +/-): from 600 to 6000rpm, in steps of 60rpm
Adjusting DURATION IF (+/- keys DUTY): from 20 ° to 180 °, in steps of 2 ° (150_6000 RPM)
Adjusting DELAY IF (SHIFT + keys DUTY +/-): 0 ° to 160 °, in steps of 2 °
Measure resistance solenoid: 0 to 75.0 ohms, with resolution 0.1 ohms
Solenoid measuring voltage: 0 to 15V with a resolution 0.1V
Solenoid measuring current: 0 to 8,9A, with 35mA resolution
Protections: reverse battery, overcurrent, low resistance solenoid (short)
32 characters backlit alphanumeric display

Main Features
It works with 12V external battery
It is able to test solenoids ON / OFF or PWM of all types
Connecting a Hall sensor to the camshaft allows for phased adjustable injections.
It is self-protected against overload or short-circuit of the solenoid coil
The intervention of the protections is appropriately marked.
Measures performed: ohmic resistance coil, battery voltage, current drawn by the component under test, engine rpm.
Author Micropi Elettronica Srl - All Rights reserved