Genset Controller Unit
EM30 Model
EM30 is an electronic control unit for the automatic or manual Genset management, characterized by an outstanding price / performance ratio, and adaptable to any kind of generating sets.
It incorporates almost all the accessories normally required to achieve an automatic panel (emergency button, measuring instruments, hour counter, starts counter). It can be powered either 12V or 24V (automatic switching).
EM30 Measures and displays: 6 mains voltages (phase-phase and phase-neutral), 6 generator voltages (phase-phase and phase-neutral), frequency, 3 load currents, battery voltage, fuel level, water temperature, oil pressure.
EM30 Manages all required alarms: voltage, frequency, overcurrent, short circuit, oil pressure and temperature, water level and temperature, fuel level, alternator belt, overspeed, battery status, start failure, stop failure, alternator overtemperature; also has two user alarms widely programmable.
The device is endowed with a programming and diagnosis microterminal (4 keys + LCD display 2x16 characters) for easy dialog with the user, who accesses to 90 programmable parameters, password-protected.
The unit has diagnostic bilingual (Italian and English), with clear messages about the operating status and alarms in progress. It has the operating mode SUPERMANUAL (run on sight, with alarms inhibited), for emergency situations.
In addition to the standard I / O, this controller has 4 programmable outputs and 4 programmable inputs to adapt it to any type of genset or system requirement (electromagnetic stop, low speed control, remote signalling, etc.).
EM30 has a historical memory for non-volatile recording of events 150 and includes an RS232 serial port for remote control and programming.
The mechanics of EM30 is made of sturdy and compact metal housing, with removable terminal blocks (counterparts of the terminal supplied) and dustproof IP65 front panel.
Typical Applications
Manual Panels
Automatic Panels
*** Subject to Phase Out ***
Author Micropi Elettronica Srl - All Rights reserved

Major Benefits
Outstanding price / performance
Emergency button and incorporated measuring instruments for mains / genset parameters
Main alarms managing: voltage, frequency, overcurrent, short circuit, oil pressure and temperature, water level and temperature, fuel level, alternator belt, overspeed, battery status, start failure, stop failure, alternator overtemperature
2 user programmable alarms
90 parameters (password protected) programmable via programming / diagnosis micro terminal
Historical memory for non-volatile recording of 150 events
Emergency SUPERMANUAL Operating mode
Main Features
Power supply: 12V or 24V - Operating range: 6.0V-36.0V
18 analog inputs (10-bit ADC) and 8 on / off inputs, including 4 programmable on13 functions
4 relay outputs (TLG, TLR, MR, EV), 4 open collector transistor 200mA programmable on 14 functions
Measures and displays: 6 mains voltages, 6 generator voltages, frequency, 3 load currents, battery voltage, fuel level, water temperature, oil pressure.
Display: LCD display (2x16 characters) backlit + 6 high-brightness LEDs
OPERATIVE MODES: manual, supermanual, automatic test
Diagnosing bilingual (ITA - ENG) with messages about the operating status and alarms in progress
RS232 interface (PC software included)
Available in different versions / configurations, customizable both graphical and functional way
Dimensions and protection degree: 190x150x60 mm (LxHxD) IP65 (front) or IP54 (front) on demand