Genset Controller Unit
EM5 Model
EM5 is a GENSET control and protection unit, characterized by a great flexibility and an excellent price / performance ratio.
EM5 is the ideal choice for generator of low / medium power operating in island mode, when you want a good operability while maintaining a low cost of implementation.
The unit can be powered either 12V or 24V and remains operational even with the battery goes down to 2.5V. It has a 6-digit bright display, of high readability, for measures, state, hour meter, start-counter, and offers a wide programmability on field, both keyboard and PC. It’s endowed with 4 completely programmable inputs (active state, delay, effect) and 3 dedicated inputs: REM (remote start), D + (in motion), W (engine speed).
It operates in three modes: manual, super manual, automatic.
The device is equipped with 5 programmable outputs (NPN 600mA / 1200mA) and manages the following events: start-counter, hour meter, maintenance hours, rental hours. Main alarm signaling is via specific leds and includes the sleep function when it is in a standby mode.
The handled analog measurements are: generator voltage*, load current*, battery voltage.
EM5 is equipped with RS232 serial port (real, not TTL) with MODBUS option, suitable also to upgrade the operating system.
The unit is available in the basic and full version (EM5 / F), both with customizable graphics.
* Only in EM5/F version.

Major Benefits
Excellent operability while ensuring a low cost of System construction
Great flexibility and wide field programmability
Operation guaranteed with low battery level
Auto Off
Manages: start-counter, hour meter, maintenance hours, rental hours
6 digits display of great readability
Operating system updating via serial port
Available in basic and full version (EM5F), both with customizable graphics
Excellent price / performance
Typical Applications
Island Mode Gensets (low power)
Low Cost Systems
Manual Panels
Semiautomatic Panels
Motor Protection
Author Micropi Elettronica Srl - All Rights reserved
Main Features
Power Supply 12V or 24V (autoswitch)
4 on / off programmable inputs (active state, delay, effect) of 12 functions
3 dedicated inputs: REM (remote start), D + (in motion), W (engine speed)
3 operating modes: manual, super manual, automatic
5 programmable outputs (NPN 600mA / 1200mA)
Operating system updating via serial port
Main alarms signalled by specific leds
Analog measurements: generator voltage*, load current*, battery voltage
Protections: oil pressure, oil temperature, water level, water temperature, overspeed, belt alarm, battery level, fuel level, expiration maintenance, rental hours, over-current, short circuit, alternator voltage error
RS232 serial port - MODBUS optional
Dimensions and protection degree: case DIN 96x96x70 mm (LxHxD) - IP54 (Front)