MODBUS Network Interface for Micropi C.U.
TMR2 Model
ModBus protocol
- RS232 / RS485 Interface
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- Programmable Parity Check: EVEN (default), ODD, NO PARITY
Communication rate:
- 9600bps / 19200bps (default) selectable via JUMPER
Transfer Mode: RTU
Supported functions:
- Function 2 (Read Discrete Inputs)
- Function 3 (Read Holding Registers)
- Function 4 (Read Input Registers)
- Function 6 (Write Single Register)
Custom Functions (active if the programming JUMPER is entered):
- Function 65 (Set Address and Communication parameters)
- Function 66 (Read Firmware Version)
Modbus Address: 1 (default) .. 247 (programmable)

Following versions available:
- TMR2/12 - XXX 12V, RS232
- TMR2/124 - XXX 12V, RS485
- TMR2/24 - XXX 24V, RS232
- TMR2/244 - XXX 24V, RS485
XXX it's the Micropi Controller model to be specified in the purchase order
LAN/TCP-IP Network Interface for Micropi C.U.
TGL2 Model
Connection interface RS232-GEN (for connection to a genset control unit)
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- Communication rate 19200bps
Connection interface RS232 GSM (to connect a GSM modem for remote alarms signalling via SMS)
- 8 data bits
- 1 stop bit
- Communication speed 19200bps
ETHERNET LAN port (for connecting to the local network)
TGL2 has a web server through which it is possible to manage the genset controller unit and configure the device.
The configuration of the TGL2 module is made via Internet browser after connecting it via ETHERNET- LAN port to a local network or directly to a PC using a crossed cable and setting up an ad-hoc connection between your PC and TGL2.
The device is prepared to send remote alarms via SMS connecting by external GSM modem (not included).
Author Micropi Elettronica Srl - All Rights reserved

It can be used with all Micropi Controller units, specifying the required model in the purchase order.
Also available for CUSTOM controller units, specifying the required communication protol type